Wednesday 15 January 2014

Analyse a photo in 'American Beauty'

This is a photo from the film 'American Beauty'. There is a man who kneels on the ground in the foreground of the photo. In the background it is a house like someone the man knows is living inside.The man is taking two coloured papers. They are propably some documents as there is a suitcase in front of the man. He is propably finding some important documents from the suitcase. Beside, the man is wearing a formal suit like an office worker. Perhaps he is from middle-class that he still needs to work.

From the background there is a big house. It can be inferred that the man is going to get inside the house or he just left from the house. Moving back to the man, his facial expression is calm but he is kneeling and finding something. He is propably impatient and wants to find things as soon as possible. Besides, in a normal situation people always look at something they are looking for. But in the photo the man is facing the front and propably do not want any people know he is finding something. He is in a hurry otherwise he may not kneel on the ground. Plus, loose framing is used to focus on the man. It shows something is on progress like in this photo, the man is looking for the documents. It can be conclused that this is a fiction/feature film.

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